Bright Horizons Foundation for Children recently constructed a Bright Space at our Jennings Home for Girls in Schaumburg. Bright Spaces are warm, safe, enriching places for children and youth experiencing
homelessness or other crises to build caring relationships, heal from trauma and experience the joy of childhood. In an atmosphere of safety and trust, children and adults are girl1.webable to make better decisions, regulate their emotions, and provide important emotional support to each other.

Shelter, Inc.’s Jennings Group Home for Girls provides emergency housing for girls ages 11 through 17. The home provides a cooling-off period for families who are experiencing parent-child conflicts, adolescents running away from home or a family crisis such as; eviction, divorce, unemployment, substance abuse, homelessness, parental or guardian hospitalization, and domestic violence. Shelter, Inc.’s group homes contribute toward an adolescent’s stability by providing care in familiar surroundings, close to schools, friends, teachers and counselors. The Bright Space will be a beautiful room for the girls to meet with professionals or their parents seeking reunification in a safe therapeutic environment.

We are deeply grateful to the Bright Horizons Foundation for Children® and to the FDC Foundation for their generous financial support of the project. For more information on Bright Spaces, visit their website at