It was the place to be on August 8th from 5 pm – 7 pm at We Rock the Spectrum Kid’s Gym in Palatine for Shelters’ Healthy Families graduates. It was a beautiful reminder of why we do what we do at Shelter.

The five-year-olds and their siblings took one look in the play areas, and dove right in to spend the next two hours swinging, jumping, sliding, zip-lining, climbing, dressing up, building, and only stopping momentarily to eat their favorite foods. As one child said, “WOW, so many chips!!!”

Everywhere were smiling and laughing children experiencing joy. Surrounding them were smiling and laughing parents, both proud of and thoroughly enjoying, the happiness of their children. The love, support, and healthy environments these kids share with their families are what it’s all about.

Our Healthy Families program is for first-time parents with multiple challenges putting them at risk for triggers that could lead to poor childhood outcomes. The program is voluntary, free for families, confidential, and for children ages birth – five years. Through intensive home visitations, Healthy Families staff help parents learn positive parenting skills, how to optimize child development, the importance of well-baby care and immunizations, how to soothe a crying baby, and so much more.

Every parent can relate to wishing babies came with instructions.  Enter the support workers of Healthy Families who not only have answers but are available 24/7 should an emergency arise. The graduation event was a mix of emotions for the staff that was also proud of the families, yet sad to say good-bye to those they worked with side-by-side for five years.

In the 23 year history of Shelter’s Healthy Families, not one child in the program has ever been removed from their home due to allegations of abuse. That’s quite an accomplishment when 1 out of 5 children in the U.S. will be abused before the age of 18. But as influential as statistics are, it’s the carefree happiness of the children and families at their graduation that reminds us it’s all worthwhile.