Sometimes it takes a crisis to discover the real power of dedication and teamwork. The COVID-19 crisis has shown a spotlight on our two emergency group homes, Jennings Home for Girls and the Boys’ Group Home, revealing what can be accomplished when we all work together.

The state of Illinois has mandated youth can’t be transferred until the stay at home restrictions are lifted, and staff is perceiving the extended stay of teens who have been victims of abuse as an opportunity to make positive memories for them.

As Stacy, Shelter’s Emergency Group Home Coordinator, said, “This is a chance for us to give these kids the childhoods they never had.”

Day 24 of home isolation began as it did in most homes; everyone gathered in the kitchen for breakfast, then kids checked their email. At 8 am, ipads came out for e-learning to begin with peers and teachers congregated virtually on Zoom. Throughout the day, Shelter’s support team was there for any educational assistance needed.

At 3 pm, ipads are closed, but the learning never stops through creative projects and activities. In the past week, teens have built birdhouses, made rock gardens, learned new games, made forts, assembled vision boards, and more.

When weather permits, all CDC guidelines are followed, and there’s plenty of outdoor exercise. The daffodils in bloom are a testament to many green thumbs, and every day brings a new adventure.

Trauma-informed care is ever-present. For teens who are recovering from trauma, news coverage can be especially challenging. As always, staff members are present with support to answer questions, discuss any topic, validate feelings, and especially to listen. 

On this day, youths are wearing t-shirts in spring colors purchased with gift cards donated by a generous, caring community. With donated kale, the groups are having fun making kale chips and learning about vitamins and antioxidants along the way. And yes, thanks to our incredible donors, toilet paper keeps arriving, along with needed masks and thermometers.

“The kids,” report Stacy, “have been fantastic. They’ve all gotten along together, been cooperative, and have opened up a lot. As for Shelter, it’s the best organization to work with. Every member of the team has been cohesive, creative, and has pitched in.”

Regardless of what the future holds, when we all work together, beautiful memories are made.


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