If you ever wanted to be a Superhero, now’s your chance. By investing a few minutes of your time, you can give a gift to yourself and over 12 million other people in Illinois simply by completing the 2020 Census. No magic cape, shield, or superpowers are required.

What’s the big deal?

The census will be the determining factor in how $1.5 trillion in federal funds will be distributed, and how many representatives each state will have in Congress.

Why YOUR participation is critical

For the sixth straight year, Illinois has lost more residents than any other state. We’re at risk of losing one, or even two congressional seats, as well as federal funding for all programs from social services to wildlife preservation.

According the Institute on Public Policy, approximately $34 billion in federal funds for Illinois is tied up in the census.

If you don’t stand up to be counted now, you’ll have less representation in Washington, and funding for critical services will rest on the shoulders of the people in Illinois.

Who isn’t participating?

Survey results show a small portion of respondents, particularly those classified as low-income, are under the misconception filling out the survey will be harmful to them. Unfortunately, many of the services at stake are those that will benefit them the most. There is no risk to anyone from completing the census regardless of immigration status.

The largest group of those not complying are in the age group of 18 to 29-year-olds with 48% believing the census results will have no impact on themselves or their community. In reality, their children’s schools are at risk as well as their parks and recreation areas, healthcare services, and many other federally funded programs we’ve come to take for granted.

Completing the census if the gift that keeps on giving!!

If you know anyone who needs the facts, share this post with them so they can be counted, too. The census can be completed online at







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